What is the meaning of technology in one word only?

Technology is a powerful tool that has become an integral part of our lives. In one word, the meaning of technology can be summed up as “connectivity.” Technology has connected us in ways never before possible - from advancing communication to making the world smaller. It has allowed us to connect with people, resources, and information from anywhere in the world. Technology has enabled us to transcend geographical boundaries and connect with each other in ways that would have been impossible before. In this way, technology has become the bridge that brings us closer together.

  • Apr, 20 2023


What is a synonym for the word 'conservative'?

The article discusses synonyms for the word "conservative," which is a term used to describe people, beliefs, and policies that favor traditional values, practices, and beliefs. The article provides several synonyms for "conservative," such as "traditionalist," "conventional," and "orthodox." It also mentions related words like "reactionary," "right-wing," and "status quo." The article concludes by noting that synonyms for "conservative" can vary depending on the context in which it is used.

  • Mar, 12 2023