Home Jobs

Legitimate work from home

In today’s world a lot of people are now looking for legitimate work from home opportunities. With the changing environment of careers and jobs and the increasing use of the Internet working from home is now a viable option. There is a myriad of opportunities out there. Finding the right fit for you is the challenge. My father once told me “you can make money doing anything as long as you do it right”.

What’s available out there?

There are endless possibilities for you to choose from. Your first big choice is do you want to work for yourself or someone else. Speaking from experience you need to decide if it is just freedom from the physical entrapment of a job or the whole idea of personal freedom. Your happiness enters the equation here also. Are you happy with having a guaranteed income week to week or do you have the desire to make your own way? There are opportunities in both areas. You can have a job building websites or a business building websites. You can work for someone else doing customer service or you can service your own customers. You can market for someone else or you could market your own business. Do you see where I am going with this? Is a boss going to let you set your own hours? Is your pay going to go up if you are successful servicing someone else’s customers or marketing their business? I’ll explain how you can start a business at home on the Internet for 0$ later.

Job vs Business

This is the real choice. Is it a job you want or a business. A job may release you from having to travel to work. But with a job you will still have to be subject to schedules and other people’s ideas. With a business you can expand on your own passions and desires, set your own hours, spend time with your loved ones and friends. Don’t get me wrong some people are happy with having a job. That is ok. Security is a factor. Is that job going to be there when you need it? I hope so if that is what you decide. Believe me there are a lot of very reputable companies out there willing to employ you from home. It is becoming more profitable every day to have people work remotely. Going into your own business though will give you a much more rewarding experience. Freedom to be yourself and create something from your own ideas. A  legitimate work from home business can be hard to identify though. You must be very careful to beware of false promises. Watch out for the         ” Become a millionaire overnight scams”. A home business is just like a real business and needs to be treated as such to be successful. Hard work, determination and passion are key to building a profitable business. I have a great recommendation for you from personal experience that I will show you more about in a bit.

This is not a fairy tale!

Legitimate work from home is real. As I said there are many opportunities for jobs as well as businesses. You just have to research the possibilities. Just a few jobs from home could be
– Internet marketing
– Website building
– Customer service
– Sales
And so on——–Finding a JOB would require only searching for virtual positions in your chosen field.
The idea of a Internet business is endless you could be an
– Affiliate marketer
– Consultant
– Website owner
And more, the possibilities are only limited by your imagination! Do you have a passion? Transfer that to the Internet and walah you have a business. Whether it be sales of certain items or ideas educating the masses there is a market for it. The are billions of people on the Internet today and they are all searching for something. You may say, “it’s too hard to create an Internet business”. What if I told you there was a comprehensive program that is all inclusive, has all the training you will ever need and a community of like minded individuals to help you along the way. A truly legitimate work at home opportunity! Even better you can start for nothing, 0$, that’s right, nada, zilch! That is the Starter package at Wealthy Affiliate!

Read my Getting Started page or read my review.

If you have a question contact me at dennis@bestinternetwork.com

Or leave a comment below.




6 thoughts on “Home Jobs

  1. Keldyn Francis

    What a great read. I have lost thousands of dollars online and have the proof for anyone that questions me. One of my biggest mistakes was not sticking to anything, always going onto the next thing ( which is how so many internet marketers make money). So I got serious about my business and working from home when I came across the product you mentioned ‘Wealthy Affiliate’. Since I have started that journey I now have a passion for what I do, two websites and multiple streams of income. I think you should mention the started account and the benefits it offers for beginners.

    1. Dennis Darragh Post author

      Thanks for the comment. Yes the starter kit is a great option where you can get involved for free and get two web sites and support all in one package. You can then decide during your free starter whether or not you want to go premium and that is the way that you can truly find out if a business is for you. You can always stay in the free mode also if that’s your decision.

  2. Simon

    Hi Dennis,
    Great article. I see you’ve mentioned Wealthy Affiliate here, I do keep hearing great reviews from them.
    I have a passion for fishing and would love to turn this into an online business.
    Would fishing in general be OK or would it be more marketable if I narrowed down into say, fishing reels or concentrated on a type of fishing, like fly fishing or fishing holidays?
    I like the sound of creating a business out of my passion, sounds really enjoyable.
    Thanks for your time,

    1. Dennis Darragh Post author

      Hi Simon, thanks for responding here. Yes creating something from your passion is the most rewarding experience out there. I do believe you need to narrow your ideas down a little as you were saying. Try to focus on one area and you will be successful. Remember at Wealthy Affiliate you can build as many websites as you want as a premium member and cover all the different markets for your passion about fishing!

  3. Marian

    Hi Dennis,

    Very interesting and comprehensive website. It’s a good read with nice layout and nice pictures. You offer good advice for anyone who wants to start his online business. I’ve also created my website through Wealthy Affiliate and can highly recommend it. Even with a little knowledge you can build your website and turn it into successful business.


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